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Public Affairs Specialist

Interested in a career caring for the land you love???


Creates, writes and distributes a wide variety of materials to communicate information about BLM issues, programs and activities to key publics.

Provides quality control oversight and conforms to BLM and DOI branding, layout and design standards.

Develops and maintains professional, proactive, credible relationships with media outlets, including traditional and new media outlets.

Ensures compliance with, or development of, appropriate protocols and management direction to assure a quality and professional image and to advance public understanding of, and engagement in, important BLM public policy initiatives.

During high profile or crisis incidents, utilizes social media platforms to share critical public information and key messages, while quelling rumors and misinformation with responsive, factual social media engagement.

Reviews web and social media analytics to measure reach and effectiveness of video products and uses that information to tailor approach for future video projects and communications campaigns.