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Juvenile Justice Coordinator

The JJ Coordinator is responsible for monitoring Vermont's participation in the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (JJDPA), as reauthorized by the Juvenile Justice Reauthorization Act of 2018. By participating, VT receives an annual Title II formula grant and needs to abide by 33 federal requirements of the JJDPA. This position is responsible for grant oversight, including writing the annual application to secure the federal funding.

This position acts as the liaison between the Council for Equitable Youth Justice (CEYJ) and the Family Services Division. The CEYJ is a supervisory group charged with allocating the formula grant to the community with the goals of improving the Juvenile Justice System and preventing juvenile delinquency. This is a public group established by state statute, consisting of Governor's appointed members. This entails membership recruitment and orientation, development of agendas, organizing monthly advisory board meetings, adhering to established protocol and policy, coordinating and supporting subcommittee work and meetings, facilitating guest speakers and information to board, developing board operating budget, and reporting income /expense balance. The JJ Coordinator is also responsible for the development of three-year plan which includes providing data and information to the CEYJ to guide a comprehensive plan that includes policy and funding priorities. This position must assure the work of the advisory board and related work of the designated state agency (Department for Children and Families) is in keeping with the three-year plan and recommends policy, rule, and statute changes as needed to ensure or create JJDPA Compliance. This position also monitors and reports on allocations and programs funded by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and supervises FSD's Data and Reporting Coordinator. 

In Vermont, the Juvenile Justice Coordinator also acts as the Racial and Ethnic Disparities Coordinator to the Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. This position is responsible for reviewing Judiciary, DOC, Law Enforcement and other Juvenile Justice Stakeholder data and reporting it to the Department of Justice. They are also required to address racial disparities in the Juvenile Justice System. Since FSD only represents one of many different discretionary points that a youth will see when involved in the juvenile justice system, this means initiating projects with stakeholders outside of the Department, and often outside of state government altogether. 


This position is also expected to take a leadership role in the Division's internal Statewide Racial Equity Workgroup (SREW). SREW was created after the murder of George Floyd in 2020. The purpose is to focus on addressing issues of racial inequity and creating systemic changes within Vermont's child welfare and youth justice system and beyond (as that work intersects with our community partners) to achieve racially just outcomes. Applicants should have experience with anti-racism and equity work.


Minimum Qualifications:

Master's degree, preferably in a Human Services related field, and two (2) years’ experience in youth justice, restorative justice, social work, criminal justice or facilitation.


Bachelor's Degree preferably in Human Services related field, and five (5) years’ experience in youth justice, restorative justice, social work, criminal justice or facilitation.