Freudenberg Sealing Technologies

Engineering Co-Op

May - August 2024 • Troy, OH

What I liked

I enjoyed working with all of the people here and appreciated the collaborative and supportive environment they fostered. The freedom to work on my assigned projects without having to wait for instruction allowed me to take initiative and grow my skills. I loved the size of the office because it made it easier to ask questions and seek guidance when needed. Additionally, the close-knit atmosphere promoted strong relationships and effective teamwork, making my overall experience highly rewarding. My responsibilities included working on my assigned projects and helping out if needed.

What I wish was different

The program was great for getting started, but there was a week or two where it was just learning the workplace. While I enjoyed all the projects, I wish there had been more time in the rotation to continue and see them through to completion. However, this warm-up period did help me build a strong understanding of the work environment and prepare me for the tasks ahead. Despite this, the experience was highly rewarding, and I greatly appreciated the opportunities to learn and grow.


My advice would be to not be afraid to speak up and share your ideas. If you have any questions, make sure to ask, there is no harm in asking. Being proactive in seeking clarity and contributing your thoughts can greatly enhance your learning experience and help you make the most of the opportunities available. Embracing this approach will not only aid in your personal growth but also demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to the role.
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Engineering Co-op

May - August 2022 • Troy, OH

What I liked

I loved the autonomy I was given at Freudenberg. I was involved in every step of the projects I was given over the summer: designing, ordering parts, assembling, testing, etc. I felt like I was actually contributing something to the company while learning how to apply my engineering skills in real-world scenarios. Overall, my coworkers were very pleasant to be around, and I never felt intimidated to ask any questions.

What I wish was different

The co-op is designed to introduce you to the factory for the first few weeks before you begin projects. I felt like this warm-up period was a bit longer than necessary, as I was eager to take on some responsibility. In addition, some of the projects I took on were rather dull and repetitive, but other projects did make up for these. Apart from these small gripes, I wouldn't see the need to change much about the job.


When days start to drag and/or you have nothing to do, reach out to someone! There is always something at the factory that someone could use a hand on. At Freudenberg, nobody is going to refuse your help. With every little task you help with, you are gaining valuable experience to take to your future endeavors.
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Co Op

January - May 2022 • Troy, OH

What I liked

The people here were lovely to work with, and the environment was very welcoming. I could not have asked for a more perfect first engineering-based job. The experience was very informative and it helped me solidify my desires and plans for the future. Additionally, the site that I worked at didn't have an overwhelming amount of office staff. So, I was able to have a more unique and individualized experience.

What I wish was different

I wish that I could have gone on a few more road trips to visit companies that Freudenberg works with. This co-op term has sparked my curiosity on what other industries look like. There is a wide variety of companies that Freudenberg directly works with in the area. So, being able to visit some different work environments would be very interesting. This is something I am very excited to pursue in my second semester with Freudenberg.


One piece of advice I would share is to bond with the people working in the office and on the shop floor. My boss gave me this piece of advice the first week I started working here. And truly, it made work so much more enjoyable. The best part of this job was the people. So, I would highly recommend you make the most out of your time, and really get to know the people you are working with.
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Process Development Engineer

May - August 2019 • LaGrange, GA

What I liked

I enjoyed how much hands on experience I was able to get and seeing how all aspects of a manufacturing plant work together.

What I wish was different


Learn from everyone as much as you can regardless of the department they are in. While your internship may have you working in one area, it is beneficial to use this time to see if you have an interest in other departments of the plant. You will be surprised by how much you have learned by the end of the work experience.
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